Offutt AFB Real Estate
About Offutt AFB
Offutt AFB is named in honor of First Lieutenant Jarvis Jennes Offutt. The first native of Omaha to become a casualty in World War I, Lieutenant Offutt died of injuries sustained when his SE-5 fighter crashed during a training flight near Valheureux, France. The airfield portion of Fort Crook was designated Offutt Field on 10 May 1924. Offutt Air Force Base is a U.S. Air Force base south of Omaha, adjacent to Bellevue in Sarpy County, Nebraska. It is the headquarters of the U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), the 557th Weather Wing, and the 55th Wing (55 WG) of the Air Combat Command (ACC), the latter serving as the host unit. Offutt Air Force Base is home of the 55th Wing, the Fightin’ Fifty-Fifth, which is the largest wing in Air Combat Command and the second largest in the Air Force. Offutt is a beautiful community situated near the Missouri River in the rolling hills of southeastern Nebraska. Offutt AFB provides worldwide reconnaissance, command and control, and combat support critical to warfighting commanders and national leadership.

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